Welcome to Lemongrass Photography, I'm Jessica Limeberry - a fashion focused, candy loving, shoe collecting photographer. I do fresh, simple photography... with the focus on you! I specialize in beautiful, one of a kind weddings and senior portraits. Lemongrass offers you amazing high-end products, beautiful images, and a fun point of view.
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It was such a joy to spend the day with Sandy, Jeff, and their family. It is the last wedding of the season for me, and it was perfect. Every little detail (down to the kleenax box in the bathroom) looked perfect. They threw an amazing party for their friends and family, and everyone had a great time. They had the most abundant candy table ever... the cutest little kids table with games, crayons, and even a Wii! And to say they had dancing would be the understatement of the year!! Sooooo much dancing! and not just swaying side to side... these people can dance! Enjoy the photo overload... too many good ones to choose from!
the picture of the guys was taken by my wonderful assistant, Courtney Reece, who came up all the way from Louisville, KY! I told you they had moves!
Little Kendall (you can see more of her here) is growing up so fast! I can't believe she is already 3 months old! She still has a head of hair and is as sweet as can be! Here are a few of her 3 month pics!
I had such a wonderful time hanging out with Dee and her family. We went to the Lilly house, which is on the grounds of the IMA. We took pictures inside, it was all decorated for Christmas, and it was beautiful! We also grabbed a few outside, and some inside the IMA, too! It was great!
these two have such love for one another... every time they looked at each other, they got that look on their face, and couldn't help but smile... and in Sam's case, she couldn't stop laughing. They were so much fun, and made me want to run home and kiss my hubby... well I guess I will have to wait till friday when he gets home... but he will get a big smooch from me!! But enough about that... hehehe... on to the pictures!!
These are taken at the bridge where Sean popped the question!! (Surprisingly close to where Matt proposed to me!!) these are my favorite... the picture on the right is what happens when you ask Sam to do a "serious face"... haha!
I just HAD to share this picture of Sam and Sean... they are the cutest, they were so fun, and Sam had the most infectious laugh... I loved it! But, more about that later... check this picture out - how cute are they!
and a note to clients... print prices will be changing in Jan... so get those orders in ASAP!! :-D
Erin and Jeremy were so much fun, and despite the cold, we had a beautiful layer of snow and they were up for anything... even snow angels! Take a peek... we snuck into union station to get in from the cold... i loooove downtown around christmas, they have so many lights up, and the circle looks so beautiful... check out the tilt-shift action - LOVE IT
So I posted the little thing about weddingspotter.com yesterday, and then today I saw that they put a link to my guest books! How cool! Thanks weddingspotter!
stay tuned for some great engagement pictures to be posted later today...
I ran across this awesome website... www.weddingspotter.com. This is an amazing resource for anyone planning a wedding (or anyone who just likes to look at beautiful wedding stuff.) They have tons of great ideas and links to other people who have great ideas!! So... check it out!!
And... need a cute idea for your programs?? How about including a custom crossword puzzle with little facts about you and your fiance?? Check this one out... from this blog
In honor of my great aunts 60th (yes 60th) anniversary of becoming a nun, I am in charge of making a slideshow of family pictures for the party... which has been great fun so far. My dad's cousin sent me some old slides and I just loved looking through them. Check this one out... it is one of my great uncles in Rome... feeding the birds...
and this cute group shot on the steps before Christmas mass...
2009 is just around the corner and I can't wait! So many exciting new things are starting in 2009... be prepared to see a facelift on the old blog, as well as some new packages, album options, and even some "green" products (who doesn't want to help save the world!)
Also, the United Christmas Fund is still looking for people to adopt families... you can sign up until Dec. 14th, so go on there and sign up. They say expect to spend around $100 a person in the family... all you have to do is spend $100 and a family can have a christmas, isn't that awesome! Get together with some friends and adopt one together... it will be the best present for you and them! Check all the info out here!
I can't believe it has been so long since my last post! The holiday weekend really got the best of me! But, I did get the chance to hang out with Sandy and Alex for the afternoon on black Friday! We found some great spots! Take a peek:
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